Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When to recognize opportunity and take action

When do you know when it’s time to take a chance and take action on an opportunity? It doesn’t matter what the decision, whether it’s time to get a new car or to buy a house, or taking a new job, making a decision to take action can be tough and scary.

By nature, I’m a huge procrastinator. I always accomplish a task but its usually on my terms. I meet all my deadlines, but somehow I convince myself it was always my idea to get them done on time. So taking action isn't always my strongest area.

However the major decisions I’m my life have usually been when something has been put in my path and I decided to take advantage and take the path offered. Sometimes this can be scary, and recognizing an opportunity is tricky.

For example.

I used to be a plumber. It was a good job with a decent income and I did okay. I went to work at 7:30 am and came home at 5:00 pm. Anyone who has every been a plumber can tell you, new construction is great, service work stinks…figuratively and literally.

I had been working as a plumber for about five years when we had a really cold winter. I had to drive about 30 miles in the country to fix a water leak in the freezing cold, under a house. When I finished I was wet, cold and miserable, thinking there has to be something better. I was driving down the interstate and there was a sign for a Junior college. To this day, I don’t know what made me do it, but I took the exit and went to the college to check it out. Two weeks later I was enrolled for the next semester.

I finished college there then went on to get my 4 year degree and never had to work in the plumbing business again.

I don’t know why I pulled off the highway, but something in my brain recognized that sign as an opportunity and I took it. That decision to take action changed my life forever.

When I started Jr. college, I majored in criminal justice. I was going to be a Highway Patrolman and I thought it would be a great career for me. A friend of mine had seen me on campus sketching one day and convinced me to take an art class with her. I needed an elective so I thought wow, I should really do this! The class was commercial art and I loved it so much, I switched my major to design and found my passion in life. I’ve been a designer for over 20 years and love it as much today as the day I created my first logo.

The important thing is to learn not only to recognize an opportunity, but having the courage to take action on it.

Around 13 years ago, opportunity was, again placed into my path. The advertising agency I had worked for about 10 years was closing it’s doors. I was one of the first 7 people hired (at one time the agency has 30 employees in our office) and I was one of the last 4 people to walk out the door.

The company offered to let me purchase much of my equipment, computers, scanners, etc. for a reasonable price and I took them up on the opportunity. This small investment allowed my to go into business for myself and I’ve had my own small Advertising and Design business for over 12 years. Again, I recognized an opportunity and took action.

Now I’m not trying to impress anyone with anything I have accomplished. My business is successful but not making me rich, and I have passed on a few opportunities that could have made me money and I’ve kicked myself for not taking the right action. No one can be right every time.

You have to learn to recognize opportunities when they greet you and not be frightened to take action on them! What happens if you fail? Most time you’re no worse for wear. If I hadn’t taken the exit for the college, I would have still been a plumber, it was a good job and I would have continued to be good at it. However because I took action on many of the opportunities life placed in my path, I found my ultimate passion in life.

Don’t be afraid to take action. The decision is often hard and terrifying, but I think, if asked, most people would hate to look back and say, “If only”!

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