Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Be A Teacher?

I was asked the other day if I enjoyed being a teacher (I'm an adjunct professor at the University of Central Oklahoma). I replied, "I really enjoy teaching". Then the student asked me why did I start teaching, after all I have a successful small graphic design business and with an 11 month old baby, I have little time for anything else. I answered him by saying, "I enjoy passing on what I have learned".

That was a fairly simple answer to the question and it doesn't completely explain why I'm teaching. So I thought I would try to provide better rational.

When I first applied to teach at UCO, I wish I could say I was being a great humanitarian and wanted to give back. But the truth is, I was almost broke. My business had been doing poorly and I thought I would have to take a job as a bag boy at the local grocery store.

I started to think, what would I do if I couldn't do what I do? I'm only really trained at one thing and that is graphic design, so I sat down to solve my problem (after all that's what designers do, solve problems).

I thought a lot about my skills and experience and came up with…nothing!

Well, not quite absolutely nothing, but I didn't want to work in a restaurant or work behind a register, and an insurance salesman was out of the question!

So I did what I do when I design something. I got out a pencil and paper and started doodling and making notes. What I came up with was a small list of different occupations.

Designer (doing that now)
Electrician (already done that)
Farmer ( HELL NO! did that when I was a kid)
Banker ( nope I'm an artist which means I can't add or spell)
McDonald's (wont shave my beard, so that one's out)
Teacher (hold on a minute!)

Teacher…could I really do that? Really? I had absolutely no experience, just 18 + years of experience in the Advertising and Graphic Design industry.

But I thought what the heck. So I sent my resume to UCO and called a couple of people I still knew still worked there to let them know I was applying.

About a year later I got a call to come in for an interview. By this time my business had recovered and I didn't need the extra income. I also enjoy my off time with my family. So why would I want to take on another job?

As I sat down to think about it and talk it over with my wife when a thought hit me. I realized some of the most influential people In my life were teachers.

Some teachers taught me specific skills and some taught by example and I realized I very much wanted to be that kind of person to others!

The following teachers are examples of some of the people that made a difference in my life.

Mr Shores, high school algebra: Not only taught me math, but also taught me to respect others. He would never call anyone by their first name, it was always Mr. Burke or sir and a handshake when you came to class.

Mrs. Kanaga, typing teacher: Thank God I learned how to keyboard!

Mrs. Bamberg, english teacher: Taught the value of reading everything.

Mr. Henderson, Vocational Ag teacher: Taught everyone in his class to accept responsibility for your own existence and your own actions.

My oral communications teacher in college: I cant remember his name but he taught me to read at least four papers a day. He said it is our responsibility as responsible adults to keep informed on current events.

Jim Watson, Graphic Design Teacher: Jim taught me to question everything, that designers solve problems and also as communicators we need to communicate a rational for everything we do.

Which leads me back to my topic. Why be a teacher?

I'll tell you why. Aside from a paycheck, I want to make a difference in the way young people look at life. Make them stop and think a moment. Live life to its fullest, don't just exist! Every teacher I've had taught me something that has stayed with me all my life.

I don't want students to look back and say, Mr. Burke was a great teacher. I want them to go out, take what they have learned in my classes, then use the information to become productive and successful people, then pass it on.

My teachers were a big influence on me and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of them.

I'm very proud to be a teacher and I'm doubly proud of all my students present, and past!

Learn something and pass it on, be a Teacher! You won't regret it.

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