Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Best Time In My Life Is Right Now!

A little over 20 years ago, I lost my job, my wife and I divorced, I had no direction and I was sitting in an empty house missing my two boys, feeling sorry for myself until I realized it could only get better from here. I was wrong, it got a little worse before it got better. I ended up filing for bankruptcy and I lost my house.

After moping for a while and working odd jobs, I decided to go to college and enrolled in a local junior college, then went on to get a Bachelors degree from the University of Central Oklahoma. After college I went to work in the Advertising industry, I met and married my best friend and have been married to her for over 13 years. My oldest son is 25, went to college and is now a Police officer and my other son is 21 and is enrolled to the same college I attended and doing very well.

About 7 years ago the agency I worked for the previous 10 years closed. Unemployed again! There weren’t any jobs in my field locally that I wasn’t over-qualified for and I didn’t want to move out of state away from my children. So my wife and I talked it over and I started my own small graphic design business. Seven years later I’m relatively successful in business and I’m an Adjunct Professor at UCO, the college I received my degree. I have always felt it is important to teach others what you have learned.

This year I turned 46 and I'm busier than ever running a business, teaching college, also my wife and I just had a new baby boy (my oldest son thinks I’m insane). With my more flexible schedule, it's tough, but I’m very happy to say I am able to watch the baby everyday.

Recently I was talking to an old friend and he was reminiscing about high school, and talking about how much he missed those days and he said something that made me feel a little sad. He said that high school was the best time in his life. Can you believe it, here is a guy my age who; for him, the best time of his life was high school? What about all the years in-between then and now?

Well I started thinking about when the best time of my life was. I didn’t have to think long. The best time in my life is today! Every morning I wake up healthy and I think there is no better time in my life than right now. I appreciate my past and those experiences, which made me into the person I am today, but today is great and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

I love my wife. I love my three sons. I love my job. Yeah, I could be better off financially and 50 pounds lighter, but I wouldn’t trade my life today for all the money in the world.

Today is the best day of my life! Now you will have to excuse me I have to go and change a diaper.

©2009 Michael Burke


  1. Nice bost! Sounds like you have really figured out the real things that are important in life. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks David, and I believe I'm in excellent company!
