Monday, May 4, 2009

Where's my teaspoon!?

I was going to write some insightful blog on graphic design or marketing, but I found myself a bit nostalgic today. Maybe its the rain or maybe it was the fact that I could not find a teaspoon anywhere but I started thinking about things that I miss. So I sat down and made a list. If you miss anything drop a comment and let me know.

I miss...
Teaspoons- you know the long skinny ones that used to be standard in any silverware you bought? Do they think no one stirs their tea anymore?

Ice-cream trucks- not the silly little vans that come around the neighborhood now, that look like they could steal your kids, but the nice ones with the freezers mounted on back, kind of like a Schwans truck.

Quisp cereal- I don't know I just liked the little spaceman and cereal shaped like little flying saucers.

The Frito Bandito- I know, not politically correct, but he was fun. They used to give you free Frito bandito erasers that went on the end of your pencil.

GI Joe adventure team with the kung fu grip and life like hair- Nuff said.

Pepsi in a tall glass bottle- Nothing like that ice cold glass bottle with the sweat running down the side of the bottle then trading in the bottles for money for comic books.

The original Battlestar Galactica- Not that I don't like the new version, but I liked the old one that had absolutly no message what-so-ever. Just mindless Fracking fun!

Sure I could think of other things but you get my point. Maybe I'm just getting older and looking back or maybe it's because I'm a new dad and I would like my son to enjoy some of the things I enjoyed. Maybe I'm just cranky that I can't find a long skinny teaspoon to stir real 100% bad for you sugar into my tea! I guess I'll just pull out my Mego Capt Kirk and Mr Spock and go play with my new son.

Let me know some of the things you miss...

©2009 Michael Burke

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