Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Jack of all Trades, Master of some?

Jack of all Trades, Master of some?

I read somewhere that the average person has three careers in their lifetime.

I don’t know if that is true, but I’ve done a lot of things in my working lifetime.


Worked as a full service gas station attendant


Cowboy (yes that means I rode a horse and raised cattle)

Tire Truck for the local Co-op

Maintenance for apartments

Plumber and Electrician

Casing Crew in the Oil industry

Window decorator

Recess Monitor for an elementary school

Professional Santa



Graphic Designer 

There is probably a couple of things in there I forgot, and you might think this guy just can’t make up his mind what he wants to do. You would be mistaken. I did many of these things because they had an experience that I wanted to have. I always wanted to know what it was like to be a full time cowboy, very hard work, developing the skills as an electrician has saved me a ton of money over the years. Farming showed me that I don’t have the patience for farming.

When I got into college I discovered my true calling. I love graphic design. The first time I manipulated type, I was hooked. I love putting things in order where they best communicate a message. It makes me feel good and I’ve done it for over 27 years.

Now that I’ve found my calling does that mean I’m done trying new things?

Of course not!

With the current pandemic, business has been a little slow and I have had some free time lately so I decided to enhance some skills I learned when I was younger.

I have started woodworking. Like many men my age, I took two years of shop class in high school. I had some fence repairs that needed to happen around the house and I took some of the old wood and created something new.

It amazed me how much of my skills came back to me as I worked from project to project.

It has sparked my creativity and my desire to make stuff and my wife with surprise, says I have skills! (not sure how to take that, so I’ll take it as a compliment)

My point to all this rambling is, don’t stop learning new skills. Just because you do one thing, doesn’t mean that is the only thing you can do.

Learning how to do new things gives you experience and stimulates your brain. Also it’s FUN!

Get out there and do something new today!